Successfully conducted IT audit of the Information System at Sarajevo International Airport

IT consulting company Teneo d.o.o Sarajevo conducted IT audit of documentary evidence of key controls in the information system of the P.C. „Sarajevo“ International Airport LLC Sarajevo (the Company). During the audit it was evaluate if the mentioned controls were adequate and if a lack of these affects the Company's information system.
During the audit the firm Teneo d.o.o. used a basic methodology the internationally recognized COBIT 4.1. frame, and apart from that, to evaluate a risk of non-existance of the controls, the firm also used the frame ISO/IEC 27001 (Information technology – Security techniques – Information security management systems – Requirements).
Upon finishing the audit the firm Teneo d.o.o. issued a certificate that total condition and adequacy of the management of IT system and the Sector for the information and communication technologies of Sarajevo International Airport can be assesed by COBIT reference grade „Regulated“, all in compliance with obligatory methodology the firm used during the audit.
The grade 4, 36 of possible 5, points to the fact that this Sector defined and established major IT controls that minimize harmful effects on the operation and security of the Company' information system.